Commercial Vehicle Insurance Liverpool can be a little confusing but it is the law to make sure that your vehicle is insured. Vehicle classes can be complex especially if you use your vehicle for work and personal use. We have put together the most frequently asked questions for clarification.

What is classed as a commercial van?

HMRC states that a commercial vehicle weighs in excess of 3.5 tonnes or is capable of moving a payload – a load that you generate revenue from or passengers or cargo of more than one tonne. Vehicles such as lorries, tractors and vans are all classed as commercial vehicles if used for those purposes.

What can a commercial vehicle be used for?

In most cases commercial vehicles are used for business purposes only, however, there are a few who also used their work vehicles for personal use too. Having a vehicle that serves a business purpose only may factor how much tax and insurance you pay. 

Regulations are complicated though and it is likely that it is more to do with how your vehicle is constructed than what you use it for will determine this.

When is a vehicle not classed as a commercial vehicle?

The best way to look at this is on what purpose was your vehicle built for. More than likely, if it’s not a goods vehicle, it is more than likely a car which will probably not be classed as a commercial vehicle. 

Another thing that will be taken into consideration is how many passengers your vehicle can have. If you vehicle has anything from 1 to 3 seats and the rest of the vehicle is to transport goods or hold your tools then it is likely that you vehicle will be classed as a commercial vehicle. If your vehicle is the same size but its primary purpose is to carry passengers instead then your vehicle might be classified as a car or minibus instead.

What is commercial vehicle insurance?

Commercial vehicle insurance is a specific type of policy that relates to the vehicle that you have for work which doesn’t include a car. It is designed to cover you whilst using your vehicle for work as well as protect any materials, tools or haulage that you transport. 

How much is commercial vehicle insurance?

Commercial vehicle insurance is priced on several different factors including:

  • Your van type (bigger vans will likely have higher insurance premiums)
  • What business is it for
  • Additional drivers on the policy
  • Previous claims
  • Annual mileage
  • Where your vehicle is kept overnight
  • What security your vehicle has

A lot of the above are similar to what you would expect when finding a car insurance policy.

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